First of Your Friends to be Pregnant

We’ve read a lot about what to expect in the pregnancy and what to expect in childbirth, but no one really prepares you for the nuance of being the first of our immediate friend circle to be pregnant. It impacts the two of us in different ways, and we are learning how to navigate this transition period. Above all, we remind ourselves that things don’t end, they just evolve.

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Mitzi Yue

We are here in Hawaii for our babymoon! I realize that the concept of a babymoon isn’t accepted at all workplaces, so we definitely consider ourselves fortunate (one the perks of working at tech companies!) to be able to take a week just for ourselves before baby comes. We are taking this time to get plenty of rest and relaxation before baby comes!

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Mitzi Yue
Pregnancy Update: Third trimester!

Can you believe it?! I can’t believe we are just three more months away from meeting this little guy! Although I made a resolution to put my health first, it’s been hard to practice what I preach. Admittedly, I’ve allowed work to take over, and it’s been hard to let go of that part of my identity. For the next three months, it’s my intention to let go of my workaholic nature, and practice mindfulness.

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Mitzi Yue
Pregnancy Update: 24 Weeks

We are in the final weeks of our 2nd trimester and baby is the size of a cantaloupe! He’s tumbling around my belly like a little gymnast, especially around 4-5am in the morning when mommy wakes up. I am loving being pregnant in the 2nd trimester. I’m full of energy and appetite. Jeff and I finished our birth classes, and we made our first big purchase - a stroller!

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Getting Educated and Prepared on Childbirth

Everyone prepares for birth in their own ways - it’s completely personal. For me, I am an over-planner who likes to be over-prepared (even when I know it’s a situation I can’t control). To overcome my fears and feel confident about pregnancy and birth, I dove into education and preparation. This includes 85 hrs of prenatal yoga teacher training, 20 hrs of birth classes, hiring a doula, getting infant CPR certified, and more.

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PregnancyMitzi YuePregnancy
2019 Resolutions

In 2019, I’m putting health first. While I might have been able to get away with sacrificing health for the sake of productivity or achievement in the past, health is no longer a luxury I can afford. My health IS baby’s health. Being pregnant and the custodian of another life has forced me to re-prioritize everything.

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Life, YogaMitzi YueLife, Yoga
Pregnancy Update: 20 Weeks

Baby is having a growth spurt! He is about 6.5 inches long - the size of a banana! Jeff and I have been noticing my belly growing visibly every single day. Baby has been very very lively - this kid loves to move around and kick all day long! As for me, I’m just trying to stay rested and stress free! As usual, work is demanding, but actively compartmentalizing has been helpful.

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Halfway There: Letter to Baby

Tonight, instead of our normal bedtime routine of talking to baby, we decided to write baby a little letter together. I prompted this idea as I was thinking of all the best traits I hoped baby would inherit and learn from me and Jeff. In a lot of ways, Jeff and I complement each other, and we hope baby will get the best parts of both of us! But in the end, it doesn’t matter who this little guy is or will become, because we will love him regardless

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BabyMitzi YueBaby
It's a BOY!

Jeff and I are excited to announce… we will be expecting a baby BOY in May 2019! Click into the post for more pictures, including ultrasound photos!

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BabyMitzi YueBaby
Pregnancy Update: 18 Weeks

Baby is about the size of a pomegranate now! Baby can hear sounds (we talk to baby every night!), has finger prints, and has all the girl/boy parts in place — which means we get to find out the gender next week. Very exciting! Mommy is also feeling pretty good and starting to look real pregnant. I’m trying to stay mindful and keep a diligent meditation practice to stay calm amidst craziness at work. Second trimester is going great - we’re trying to stay happy, healthy, and stress free.

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Now Certified to Teach Prenatal Yoga!

Finally getting around to writing about my week in Joshua Tree getting certified to be a prenatal yoga instructor! This training not only helped me navigate through this new and exciting experience, but also gave me the tool kit to share my experience to help other expecting moms! I will ALWAYS remember Joshua Tree as the place where amazing wonders happened — I became a part of a community; I found my voice as a mother; I felt my baby move for the first time; I gained a wealth of knowledge to go forth and share with the world.

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Baby's First Movement

This is a little letter to my baby to thank this miracle child for the gift of joy, of motherhood, of strength, and of faith. I love this baby so much already. I will always remember this joyous moment — the first time I felt my baby move in my belly <3

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Baby, PregnancyMitzi YueBaby
Trusting Myself and Finding My Voice

Trusting myself and finding my own voice in this pregnancy has truly been a challenge. From the start of the pregnancy, it’s been an inundation of unsolicited advice. Being here in Joshua Tree with this strong and opinionated group of women has only exacerbated the situation. Ultimately, this is my pregnancy and my decision. While I don’t always agree with some of the women here, it’s helpful to gather information to make choices for myself, to ask the right questions when I get home, and to forge my own birth plan.

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Prenatal Yoga in Joshua Tree

I’m so thrilled to be in prenatal yoga teacher training this week! It’s incredible to be surrounded by so many wise mommas, other moms-to-be, and other yoga instructors. I’ve learned SO much in just one day, and I’m excited to learn more. My biggest takeaway today is that I’ve been allowing fear to skew my expectations of child birth. I’m incredibly thankful for this opportunity to educate myself in preparation for child birth!

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YogaMitzi YueYoga
Staying Calm When it Doesn't Go According to Plan

Staying calm when plans go awry is not natural to me. As an over-planner, I get frustrated when things are off track. But then I think about motherhood… When the baby arrives, I expect that none of my carefully laid plans will ever go exactly according to plan again! The baby will necessitate the ability to go with the flow and to adapt, so I need more practice now. These are a few tricks I’ve taught myself to stay calm in the storm.

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LifeMitzi YueLife
Starting New Traditions

One of my favorite traditions with Jeff is talking to baby every night. When we learned that babies start to detect noises at the start of their first trimester, we thought it would be a great idea for us to start talking to baby every day! It’s become a special and sacred time for us at the end of every day. Not only does it provide a tangible way for Jeff to directly connect to baby in utero, but it also makes me feel like baby might recognize our voices!

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Pregnancy Update: 15 Weeks

We are now into our second trimester! Baby is about the size of an orange now, can sense light, and can move all his/her limbs. Best of all, I’m starting to actually see a noticeable bump! Mommy is feeling better too overall - I have less nausea (but way more gas and bloating) and a lot more energy. At this point, I’m expected to gain about a pound of weight a week, but since last week was Thanksgiving… I’m giving myself some leeway on that.

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First Trimester Prenatal Yoga

Yoga is generally accepted as one of the best exercises you can do during your pregnancy! Read about my first trimester continuing to teach power vinyasa format and practicing safe yoga. The biggest takeaways are: play it safe, stay hydrated, take the modified versions of select poses, and listen to your body.

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YogaMitzi YueYoga