Pregnancy Update: 18 Weeks


I’m excited to say that I am in the full second trimester swing!

Update on baby:

  • Baby is growing and just starting to come out of my pelvis, which means the bump is definitely more evident!

  • Baby is about the size of a pomegranate!

  • Baby can hear sounds. I posted about our new tradition a few weeks ago here. We love talking to baby every single night together!

  • Fingerprints are formed on the fingertips and toes

  • Baby’s girl/boy parts are in position, which means we get to find out the gender soon - IN JUST A FEW DAYS. We have our ultrasound scheduled for December 20, 2019

Update on mommy:

  • I have a surge of energy, but still need lots of sleep

  • I’m trying to practice active mindfulness and keep up a diligent meditation practice because work has been throwing a lot of curve balls at me lately. It’s easy to get swept away, so I’m trying to remain grounded. My stress is now baby’s stress, so self-care has become paramount

  • Hormones are flooding in! I am crying irrationally and sporadically all day.

  • We are getting ready for birth - we hired a doula! A doula is a birth coach, whose purpose is to help ease the fears around child birth and help with the process.

  • I’m starting to get comments that I actually look pregnant (see below)! I wish I looked a little more pregnant… Sometimes on the BART, I ask the people in priority seating to get up for me and I tell them I’m pregnant. Most of the time they just look at me incredulously and stay seated haha