Prenatal Yoga in Joshua Tree


Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training in Joshua Tree, CA
Yoga Alliance certified
Taught by Maha Mama; Hosted by Jennica Joyce Yoga

When I became pregnant, I wanted to learn as much as I could and to be as informed as I could possibly be. I’m so thrilled to be in prenatal yoga teacher training this week!

I just finished my first full day of training, and we’re off to a sprinting start. It’s incredible to be surrounded by so many wise mommas, other moms-to-be, and other yoga instructors. I’ve learned SO much in just one day, and I’m excited to learn more.

My biggest takeaway today is that I’ve been allowing fear to skew my expectations of child birth. Humans are the only species capable of doubting their own ability to birth, driven primarily by a fear of pain and a lack of education. Learning more about the role of doulas, the option for midwives, and the negative repercussions of pain killers has expanded my understanding of the birthing process.

That said, this community is heavily in favor of the non-hospital, non-intervention route to child birth. While I respect everyone’s opinions, certain situations (like mine) necessitate medical professional oversight. As a high risk pregnancy because of my health complications, Jeff and I would not feel comfortable (especially for our first child) to opt for anything other than a hospital birth. However, I am now going to definitely spend the time to learn as much about epidurals, pitocin, and intervention — it’s going to be a very detailed and long conversation with our OB next appointment!

All in all, so thankful for this training, to be immersed in this intensive week with these inspiring women.

YogaMitzi YueYoga