Posts in Life
Jet’s 100 Day Party

Jet officially reached 100 days on August 14, 2019! We celebrated by going down to LA so that Jet could meet my side of the family. We are so thankful for everyone, especially those who flew in / drove hours just to celebrate with us! I’m very happy he got to meet so many of his aunties, uncles, and cousins for the first time.

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Life, BabyMitzi YueBaby, Life
Visiting LA

In August, we visited LA so Jet could meet my side of the family. At first, I was nervous, but he ended up traveling so well! With our busy schedules (even busier now with the baby), it’s hard for me to go down to LA a lot, but it was so important that we did. Jet had so much fun, and we can’t wait for our next visit!

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Baby, LifeMitzi YueBaby, Life
Happy Father's Day

Happy first Father’s Day to the best daddy we could have asked for! We are so thankful for you, Jeff — for always giving your 100%, for all the love you give to us, for everything you do and so much more. We love you so much. If Jet grows up to be as amazing of a man as you, I would be so happy.

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LifeMitzi YueLife
Nesting and Moving

We are so thankful to our friends for helping us with a big move this past weekend! Huge thank you to Uncle Larry, Tony and Max for helping us move and assemble furniture. It has lifted a huge and heavy concern off my heart, and for that peace of mind, I am completely grateful. I was getting a little nervous that we wouldn’t be able to finish in time, but lo and behold, the guys finished in less than a day!

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LifeMitzi YueLife
Baby Shower #2 - Friends

After weeks of endless rain, the sun came out last weekend to give us the most beautiful weather for an awesome 30th birthday AND a surprise baby shower in Half Moon Bay. I am so thankful for our friends, and I’m still laughing at all the silly memories. We filled the weekend with a hike along the coast, HILARIOUS games, binging on too many snacks, an a fancy happy hour at the Ritz Carlton Half Moon Bay.

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LifeMitzi YueLife
Baby Shower #1 - Family

Thank you to our sisters, Audrey and Vicki, for planning our little family baby shower! Grandma, Mom, and Audrey drove up from LA to host our baby shower in San Jose. On Saturday, we got a super convenient AirBnb right on Santana Row, had our baby shower in the afternoon, then walked to dinner. Then on Sunday, we all met up again for dim sum before saying goodbye to my family.

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LifeMitzi YueLife
Pictures from Hawaii

Our babymoon in Hawaii was so wonderful, and we wanted to capture the moment with a little shoot on the beach. Now that I’m in my third trimester, my belly is changing so rapidly every day! I want to be sure to capture every moment of this special transformation.

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2019 Resolutions

In 2019, I’m putting health first. While I might have been able to get away with sacrificing health for the sake of productivity or achievement in the past, health is no longer a luxury I can afford. My health IS baby’s health. Being pregnant and the custodian of another life has forced me to re-prioritize everything.

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Life, YogaMitzi YueLife, Yoga
Staying Calm When it Doesn't Go According to Plan

Staying calm when plans go awry is not natural to me. As an over-planner, I get frustrated when things are off track. But then I think about motherhood… When the baby arrives, I expect that none of my carefully laid plans will ever go exactly according to plan again! The baby will necessitate the ability to go with the flow and to adapt, so I need more practice now. These are a few tricks I’ve taught myself to stay calm in the storm.

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LifeMitzi YueLife
Starting New Traditions

One of my favorite traditions with Jeff is talking to baby every night. When we learned that babies start to detect noises at the start of their first trimester, we thought it would be a great idea for us to start talking to baby every day! It’s become a special and sacred time for us at the end of every day. Not only does it provide a tangible way for Jeff to directly connect to baby in utero, but it also makes me feel like baby might recognize our voices!

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We decided we wanted to tell our family, friends, and coworkers about the pregnancy essentially right away. Though we were advised by some people to keep it a secret for as long as you can (ex: until second trimester when I really start showing), I felt strongly that the sooner the better. This is the story of why we decided to spill the beans early and how we did it!

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Life, BabyMitzi YueLife, Baby
Balimoon Baby

We brought a little souvenir back from our honeymoon in Bali! I’ve been told by doctors for years that I might not be able to conceive on my own due to a long history of health complications. Nevertheless, when we got married, we thought we’d give it a try anyway. Lo and behold, this little miracle happened, and we couldn’t be more excited!

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LifeMitzi YueLife