Posts tagged Yoga
2019 Resolutions

In 2019, I’m putting health first. While I might have been able to get away with sacrificing health for the sake of productivity or achievement in the past, health is no longer a luxury I can afford. My health IS baby’s health. Being pregnant and the custodian of another life has forced me to re-prioritize everything.

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Life, YogaMitzi YueLife, Yoga
Trusting Myself and Finding My Voice

Trusting myself and finding my own voice in this pregnancy has truly been a challenge. From the start of the pregnancy, it’s been an inundation of unsolicited advice. Being here in Joshua Tree with this strong and opinionated group of women has only exacerbated the situation. Ultimately, this is my pregnancy and my decision. While I don’t always agree with some of the women here, it’s helpful to gather information to make choices for myself, to ask the right questions when I get home, and to forge my own birth plan.

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Prenatal Yoga in Joshua Tree

I’m so thrilled to be in prenatal yoga teacher training this week! It’s incredible to be surrounded by so many wise mommas, other moms-to-be, and other yoga instructors. I’ve learned SO much in just one day, and I’m excited to learn more. My biggest takeaway today is that I’ve been allowing fear to skew my expectations of child birth. I’m incredibly thankful for this opportunity to educate myself in preparation for child birth!

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YogaMitzi YueYoga
First Trimester Prenatal Yoga

Yoga is generally accepted as one of the best exercises you can do during your pregnancy! Read about my first trimester continuing to teach power vinyasa format and practicing safe yoga. The biggest takeaways are: play it safe, stay hydrated, take the modified versions of select poses, and listen to your body.

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YogaMitzi YueYoga