Pregnancy Update: 20 Weeks



Update on baby:

  • ICYMI, we found out that baby is a BOY!

  • Baby is about 6.5 inches long - like the size of a banana!

  • In week 20, we suddenly hit a growth spurt. Jeff and I were noticing the bump growing bigger every single day

  • Baby moves a LOT - this is an active kicker

  • We also play a nice soft lullaby playlist for baby every night. Studies show that babies are able to recognize the lullabies that were played in utero once their born!

Update on mommy:

  • Jeff and I are all signed up for birth classes, and we are starting to do all our research on the pre- and post-natal experience

  • We spent the Christmas break at home with Jeff’s side of the family, and it was SO incredibly restful. It was exactly what we both (I guess, what all three of us) needed!

  • Work has been a bit stressful, so I’m trying actively to compartmentalize and stay as stress free as possible