Pregnancy Update: 24 Weeks

WEEK 24: JANUARY 23 - 30

Update on baby:

  • Baby is the size of a cantaloupe! Can you believe it?!

  • We have narrowed down the list of potential names for the little guy, but NO we are not telling any of you. I don’t want to hear any feedback that could sway our decision

  • It feels like baby is a little gymnast always doing flips and tumbles in my belly

  • I’m starting to notice patterns when baby kicks and moves around — at 4am when he wakes up with mommy, when I’m standing for extended periods of time, and when I eat a lot (and I think he is squished haha).

Update on mommy:

  • Jeff and I finished a bunch of birth classes and preparation. I am feeling confident about birth, and Jeff has been so so supportive

  • So far I LOVE being pregnant - the second trimester is awesome! I am full of energy and appetite.

  • I’m trying not to push myself too hard. This week, I felt like I needed to take a breather from my chaotic work and yoga schedule to just relax.

  • Most excitingly, Jeff and I finally made our first baby purchase - a stroller! We chose the the UPPAbaby Cruz with an infant adapter. It was a very emotional purchase! Jeff is superstitious and he wouldn’t let me buy anything until the third trimester, so making our first baby purchase was a huge milestone.