Pregnancy Update: 15 Weeks



We are now into our second trimester!

Update on baby:

  • The little one is about the size of an orange this week!

  • Baby can sense light even though his/her eyelids are still fused shut

  • Baby can move all of his/her joints and limbs and is probably moving all the time (even though I still can’t feel it yet)

Update on mommy:

  • I’m feeling a lot better these days!

  • I’m starting to actually see a bump, and it’s AMAZING to actually FEEL pregnant.

  • The nausea has subsided, though it’s now replaced by gas and bloating.

  • I’m definitely feeling weight gain overall - like a fluffy coat of softness all over my body haha. It’s fat storage for nutrients for baby! I am supposed to be gaining one pound a week at this point, but since last week was Thanksgiving, I’m giving myself a little leeway on that :)

  • The pregnancy brain is real - my head is fuzzy all the time. I’m getting forgetful and lose track of my thoughts (oftentimes, mid-sentence!)