Baby's First Movement


Dear Baby,

Last night, mommy had a moment of clarity. I knew I had to trust myself, and I felt like I was a mommy for the first time.

Then, this morning, you gave me the biggest gift of joy I could have asked for. Almost as if you were saying “I’m here mommy! You can do it”, I felt you move in my belly for the first time. It was just a gentle tap and a little squirm. It’s amazing how something so small can bring so much joy. It was the sign I needed from you and from God.

Now every time I feel you in my belly, I’m reminded of that special moment. I’m reminded of my strength and belief in myself. I’m reminded of my love for you. I’m reminded of my faith in God.

Thank you, miracle child, for this joyous moment. I love you so much already.


Baby, PregnancyMitzi YueBaby