2019 Resolutions


2019: Health comes first

I’ve always had a tendency to sacrifice my personal health for the sake of achievement or productivity.

  • In college, I would pull all nighters and sleep in the library to study for exams, while taking on three simultaneous internships.

  • In investment banking, I would work 100-120 hrs week with little to no weekends off for the glory of claiming $100 billion of transactions under my belt.

  • In all my endeavors, I usually max out my capacity with extracurricular activities (ex: working a full-time job as Head of FP&A of a public company, while running a non-profit and teaching yoga part-time).

In complete honesty, I don’t physically need as much sleep as most people, but it’s also the mental and emotional exhaustion that comes with the above. When people have asked me in the past how I manage to do so much, I usually responded with “I multi-task and sleep less than most.”

But now, my health is not my own. It is no longer a luxury that I can barter for productivity. My health IS the baby’s health. Everything that I experience is shared by the baby, so I can’t afford extra stress or unnecessary strain. Being pregnant and being the custodian of another life has forced me to re-prioritize everything in my life.

I’m putting my health first this year by:

  • Saying “no” more

  • Trusting my team members and reports to step up

  • Asking for help unabashedly

  • Committing to a daily yoga/meditation practice

  • Setting reasonable expectations for myself

  • Practicing self-care

This is going to be a very spectacular year!

Life, YogaMitzi YueLife, Yoga