
We decided we wanted to tell our family, friends, and coworkers about the pregnancy relatively soon. Though we were advised by some people to keep it a secret for as long as you can (ex: until second trimester when I really start showing), I felt strongly that the sooner the better.

  • First, one of the reasons people advise not to tell to soon is because you might be treated differently or negatively in the workplace. I’m incredibly lucky that I have a very supportive work environment and very caring manager, so I felt comfortable sharing the news as soon as I found out. I also realize I’m very fortunate to work at a company where maternity leave does not impact my promotional path and career growth, though I understand for other mothers-to-be, this may not be the case.

  • Second, I heard the “in case of miscarriage” rationale at least a few times. This is a very sensitive and personal topic, and there’s no right or wrong answer to whether or not you should share about a miscarriage. I can only speak for myself — for me, I didn’t want to let fear dictate my decisions, and I felt that if something were to happen, I would want to be open about it. The indescribable emotional weight would be too much for me, and I knew that I would actually want people to know because I would need as much support as possible.

  • Finally and most importantly, we were excited and wanted to share! It’s also too big a secret to keep while maintaining sanity. It was especially tough for Jeff in the few weeks he couldn’t tell anyone, and I know it lifted a huge weight off his chest as soon as he was able to share the news.

Our big announcement: Every year, we have a big birthday celebration for Jeff. I told everyone to be there for “a big surprise”, hinting that it would be a birthday surprise for Jeff. Some educated guesses included: a new puppy, a stripper in a cake, a vacation, etc. BUT the surprise wasn’t for Jeff’s birthday at all; it was a surprise announcement of our expectancy to all our friends. After everyone finished singing “Happy birthday” to Jeff, I brought out cupcakes that spelled “SURPRISE WE’RE PREGNANT”!

Surprise cupcakes.jpg
Life, BabyMitzi YueLife, Baby