First Ultrasound

First ultrasound.jpeg

(I say “first” ultrasound because Jeff wasn’t there for the actual first one at 8 weeks.)

Wow! I don’t think there is anything quite like seeing this little human together for the first time around the 12 week mark. At this point, I wasn’t really showing at all, so it was pretty unbelievable to see this little miracle on the big screen!

It was also very endearing to see how excited Jeff was — let’s be honest, up until this point, I think I would have described him more as “frightened” than “excited.” It was a big moment for him, especially since he missed the ultrasound at 8 weeks. In fact, he was so excited, he insisted we wait for the CD of the pictures after the appointment, even though we were both running late for our afternoon meetings. In reality, none of our laptops even have CD inserts any more, so not sure why we needed a CD… BUT when your husband is having a big father-to-be moment, you go with it and support it!

Moment of gratitude: When we heard baby is looking healthy, I felt a sigh of relief overcome my being. Of course we are still early on in our pregnancy and of course we would love the baby regardless, I am thankful nonetheless for this preliminary news. I’m also grateful for my husband — Jeff has been giving his all to be supportive and present for my sake, even when I know he’s nervous and going through this transition at a different pace than me. I thank God for everything that we have in our wonderful lives.

BabyMitzi YueBaby