Two Months

I’m so late on blog posts here! But catching up now!

Happy 2 months to this little squish ball 🧸🎈!

I am so in love with your chubby cheeks, your sweet little coos, and that heart-melting smile. We are so grateful for the joy you’ve brought into our lives.

Month 2 has been so much fun, and I know it just gets better from here. It’s amazing to see him develop and change day by day. It’s the subtle but obvious things - turning when he hears our voice, following objects with his eyes, engaging with his environment, and responding with all of his different facial expressions.

Our little Jet loves being carried and worn, and hates being put down. He is not a fan of tummy time, but loves playing with his mommy and daddy. His sleeping / feeding schedule is getting slightly better - I’m so grateful! And final fun fact: he now has a very specific pooping ritual, which requires us to open his diaper, tickle his butthole, massage his belly, let out the farts, and sing to him

BabyMitzi YueBaby