One Month

Happy one month, baby Jet!

I can’t believe how quickly this month has flown by. We fall more and more in love with him every single day.

  • Jet Jet is now 8 lbs 6 oz. He’s grown so much since he was first born at 6 lbs! His cheeks are chubbier, and he’s getting an adorable layer of baby fat all over.

  • He’s not a very good sleeper yet. He only sleeps for about 1-2 hours at a time, which means we are still on an around-the-clock schedule with him.

  • He feeds 10-12 times a day! I am a full-time milk factory for him. My milk production in the past two weeks has increased immensely, so I’m so glad he is now exclusively on breast milk. For the first two weeks, we were supplementing with formula as we waited for my milk supply to come in. Now that it has, I feel a huge sense of accomplishment and relief (even if my boobs are leaky all the time).

  • He’s starting to interact with us more and develop. It’s truly incredible to watch his brain grow right before our eyes. He’s been able to focus his eyes a bit more and able to follow our faces and objects. He recognizes our voices and his eyes will get big and curious when we talk to him.

  • He loves falling asleep on his mommy, being bounced by his daddy, and being talked to for hours by his grandma.

It’s been a whirlwind of a month. The days seem long, and the weeks fly by. I am loving motherhood and this new adventure. I can’t wait to see what happens in month 2!

BabyMitzi YueBaby